Milano 3 x int show

16.6.  Judge  Liz Cardledge UK

VEKE --->  CERT (nro 3 from Italy)  RES CACIB

17.6. Judge  Fernando Ashnaghi IT

VEKE ---> BM-2,  res cert , res cacib

18.6. Judge Nicola Ilpimbo IT

VEKE ---> BM-2, res cert,  res cacib

Agility 17.6  Lappeenranta

Venla & Valtteri -->   one round for Team POKS,  15 faults.  Team was 25/84 ! 

Veke's tournee  to Europe :  9 shows, 3 X BOB, 1 x BOS, 4 x CACIB, 4 x RES CACIB,  3 CAC Slovakia, 1 CAC Italy, 1 CAC Austria, 2 res cac Italy, 1 res cac Austria. ( 9 x excellent ) .  If Veke wants to CH, he need  1  cac from Slovakia after 3.6.18  and 2 CAC from Austria after 10.6.18.  And 3 CAC more from Italy.... But I think he dont want those titles :D