We went to Oulu with Venla, Veke, Jaska and my son Ville & Valtteri. AMAZING WEEKEND ! Thank you all friends for congrats and thank you company AIJA ! Congrats To Aija & Halla INT CHAMPION TITLE ! It was honour to handle Halla :D 

and the results....

Group Show Oulu 12.7.2013, judge Harto Stockmari, group Lillian Ridder De Onghena, BIS Rita Reyniers. THANK YOU !!


VEKE --> BM-2, cert

VENLA --> Very Good-2

HILLA (Veke's sister) -->  BOS,cert !!!


and INT SHOW Oulu 13.7.13, judge Rita Reyniers

JASKA --> BM-2, res cacib

VEKE --> BM-4 res cert

VENLA  & HILLA --> Very good


and finally...... AMAZING SUNDAY !!!! Int Show Oulu 14.7.13, judge Sigrid Jarmer, group Borges Manuel Loureiro. THANK YOU !!!


VEKE --> BOB, CERT, BIG-3 !!!

JASKA --> BM-3 res cacib

VENLA & HILLA ---> Very good

Happy Happy !