What happen... A lot ? Not so lot, sorry.
Litters to Aune, Sunny, Mimmi. Thank you all co operations ! Thank you ToTo, Vertti, Rosso.
2 litters to Jaska (abroad) , 1 litter to Veke ( abroad) , and maybe in finland one litter :D (we know this on january after DNA tests)
Veke first "LUVA" from 1st class. Venla 2 x zero (0) on 3 th class ! WOW !
Pirre (9) 7 x cq, 4 x CAC, 1 x RES CAC, 1 x BOS
Jaska ( 17 ) 17 x cq, 12 x BOB VET, 5 x BOS VET, 3 x BOB, 1 x BOS, WORLD VETERAN VINNER 2016, HELSINKI VETERAN VINNER 2016
Venla ( 4 ) 3 x cq, 1 x CACIB, 2 x BOS, Brand new C.I.E.
Veke (13), 12 x cq, 4 x BOB, 2 x BOS, 1 x BIG-4, 5 x CACIB, 2 x RES CACIB ( 2 shows left....)
Veke 1 result from second class. two to go to third class....
On private life....... We lost our family member.......... a big shock to all us. So Sad, So Sad... life is cruel sometimes... Autumnn was full of shit in our lifes.